Sherman Township News & Announcements
Board of Trustees Meeting Policy - effective January 2021
Open Meeting Act applies to all meetings (MCL 15.626).
Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM (MCLs 15.265 and 41.72).
Special meetings can be called by either the Board or Supervisor (MCL 41.72).
Meeting accessibility must meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Quorum to hold a meeting is three members present (MCL 41.70).
Meeting moderator is the Supervisor (MCLs 41.72a and 42.5). If the Supervisor is not present, the Clerk shall direct a voice
vote for a member as a moderator of the meeting. If the Clerk is not present, a member who is present will lead the vote
of a moderator (MCL 41.72). The moderator shall be fair in treatment of all meeting participants and conduct an orderly
meeting. The moderator shall 1) decide all questions of parliamentary procedure, 2) recognize persons who wish to speak,
3) keep the discussion focused on the issue (MCLs 41.97-41.99).
Agenda for meetings will be prepared by the Supervisor. All township business items that warrant board attention or
action are to be placed on the agenda. The members, as their first business action, will approve the meeting agenda. All
known motions to be addressed by the Board will be in written form on the agenda.
Meeting packet of documents related to agenda items will be distributed to each member for review prior to the
upcoming meeting. Packet to include, but not limited to, monthly reports for Treasurer, Water Plant, Sewer Operations,
and Fire & Rescue operations, written resolutions, agenda item background information, billing documents, draft of the
previous meeting minutes, draft meeting agenda, pending bills for payment approval, and budget status.
Township staff is not required to attend the board meeting. Board members can always contact staff outside the board
meeting. If there is a specific issue that requires the staff member to attend the meeting, that issue should placed on the
agenda in advance so that the staff member can be prepared to provide the requested information in writing or person.
Public participation can occur during the meeting following agenda approval and before “New Business”. The public will
address the Board, not an individual, on issues or concerns regarding the township. Members should not interfere with or
respond to the public comment (MCL 15.263). If a response is appropriate, staff or officials will contact the person outside
the meeting.
Voting is the primary duty of members. Meetings are for board business with most agenda items being presented as a
motion to be voted upon by members. Member should only abstain from voting when the law requires it. Any subject
matter requiring a vote by the Board needs both a motion and support (seconded) before the Board can consider the
matter. Board decisions on motions will be completed using a voice vote. Board decisions on formal written motions,
known as resolutions, will be completed using a roll call vote. Board decisions use of either a motion or resolution will be
dictated by Michigan statue. Board decisions are by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting.
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